Creating a fully immersive sales experience

We speak often about the importance of creating a unique sales suite experience, particularly in a market that has been defined by price over product quality. So when we were asked to help international developer Far East Consortium build a different kind of experience in their anticipated Melbourne CBD project West Side Place, our aim

The tempo of content delivery

How many content channels are you using? There are just so many of them through which to share your brand’s imagery and messaging. The content strategies we develop for our clients (and for ourselves) are defined by a number of factors. Across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and websites, there is a right way and a

The Social Sell

We are all social animals. We love to share what we’re up to with friends, family and anyone else who’ll listen. This love of sharing crosses over into our shopping habits. These days the purchase journey is as much about the sharing of the consideration process (hey, I’m thinking about buying a new tv), the

Stranger Things have happened in show merchandising before

There’s been a lot of talk this past week about the new season of the Netflix original show, Stranger Things. Interestingly, much of the conversation has been focused not on the return of those adorable kids or the true explanation of ‘the upside down,’ but on the handful of merchandise tie-ins that Netflix has launched

The Aftershock : metronome’s pro bono client

As a key component of metronome’s ongoing goodwill initiatives, we recently partnered with a brand new registered charity called The Aftershock. The Aftershock is a not-for-profit organisation raising funds and awareness for High Mortality Rate Cancers. These are the cancers that have the lowest 5-year survival rates and yet receive the least amount of funding.

New website, new product architecture

Rebuilding a website for clients is not just an opportunity to refresh their visual appeal, it’s also a key opportunity to overhaul the customer journey. Occasionally, it can be a chance to make even bigger changes to the product architecture and product configuration. Our recent website upgrade for Wilson Storage is a great example. It

The evolution of property marketing

As the number of property marketers increases and the property market flattens, selling value over volume becomes critical for businesses in the industry to remain competitive. The challenge lies in standing out in a saturated digital and offline space and impressing prospective home buyers – buyers who now have a world of alternatives at their fingertips

Making the most of research

Research is a fascinating thing, always informative and yet often in ways you weren’t considering. At a recent research group session, the quirks of the process were evident yet again. We presented a range of creative pieces as design stimulus – brochure design options, banner ads, etc, featuring indicative imagery of housing products similar to

Brand timing

At the beginning of every new year, the opportunity arises to take stock of your clients’ needs. To look with fresh eyes at how you help manage, curate and grow their brand. There’s a sense that if you take your eye off the marketing wheel for more than a week you’ll swerve off the freeway

Living la vida loyal

In a recent workshop, I was asked how much value should be placed on building and retaining customer loyalty. Later, I was asked about one thing that will change commerce over the coming years. When I went back over those answers, it was clear that the two were intrinsically linked. The following 6-minute read covers