Brand roll out — connecting consumer touchpoints

If you’ve ever bought a pair of Converse from an actual Converse outlet, you’ll know most of their stores are, to be generous, low-fi. Unadorned shelving, sparse decor, pile ‘em high merch display approach. From a brand roll out perspective, this shopping experience is far from luxurious and very much ‘Street’. But if the brand

The pros and cons of the rebrand

When a brand as deeply integrated into our lives as Google decides to put on a new suit, the implications go beyond picking a different font. Google’s recent logo upgrade reflects the need for technology brands to be seen to be current. More than most categories they are a part of our everyday lives, in

Why sales environments and offline experiences matter

With so much happening online in relation to engagement and marketing, one thing that matters more than ever is the offline experience. Take property and project marketing for example. While it makes perfect sense for a sales office to showcase the development and fully immerse consumers in the architectural style, interior design and aspiration in

Why good hairdressers make great marketers

Some would think the analogy that hairdressers are excellent marketers is a little out there. And while this is a market where necessity is a major influence, it’s also a space where the price and experiences are wide and varied. Experience first is a term we hear a lot about in marketing today. It is

How category growth can help your brand

Bake a bigger pie, get a bigger slice. That’s the intention behind a category growth strategy. Sometimes, category growth – which also helps your competitors – is the most effective route to increasing your own sales. If you don’t see the benefit of inviting everyone to the party occasionally you could be missing out and

Brands that came back from the dead.

There’s a hall of fame decked with brands that everyone thought were relegated to the waste bin of history but which, thanks to some prudent rebranding and marketing, managed to crawl their way out of the ashes and get a second lucky chance at life on the shelves. In some instances, the turnaround came about